The committee will review every nominee in terms of whether they cater to the sheer values of the relevant
faculty and/or the college, and exemplifies the private and professional traits to which each student years to
aspire and imbibe.. People thus recognized must be included to offer instance and notion to students and
graduates of the college. Decisions taken by way of the committee are looking to reflect the numerous social
and cultural character of the world as the instructional variety embodied inside the college itself.
It isn't required that nominees have a direct relation to the university, but there must be a compelling
motive why this precise university ought to confer its highest honour on a man or woman at a particular time.
All nominations must be submitted in writing. For honorary degrees, the nomination package should normally include:
If possible, and as deemed appropriate, nominators are advocated to organize supplementary events within the nominating school or the university to supplement the convocation activities (which includes a special lecture).
Retired members of the university school or group of workers will not be taken into consideration for honorary degrees. Where an exception is made, it must be for achievement or career beyond the university.
Every candidate from all walks of life are eligible for honorary degrees.Their quality and impact can be assessed by the committees by scaling them in different ways of meritorious assessment. There is no strict guidelines as such followed in this process.The best way the committe follow is to reread their contribution and achievements in all perspectives
All effort will be made to make sure that the candidates nominations and discussions of nominees will be confidential throughout the process. No publicity will be issued regarding the nominees until final approval through the advisory board.